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What if we are entering a state of permanent turbulence and change? 

What will global leadership and teamwork need to look like then?

In uncertain times, only the most effective leaders and teams survive. My Associates and I are specialists in the provision of coaching services at the most senior levels, particularly at times like these. Recently the top team of a USD$12 billion global company with whom we work reported a 17% uplift in profitability within their largest division during a period of unprecedented change. They attribute this largely to their work with us. Another high-profile organisation doubled their operating profit in two years.

We think and work at both strategic and psychological levels with clients to deliver customized coaching interventions that enable organisations to thrive during times of disruption and change. For the past seven years we have worked extensively in the energy sector, helping CEOs and top teams to rapidly rethink their organisational strategies and identities at a time of unprecedented reinvention for the industry.

Critically, we are business people as well as psychologist registered in the UK, psychotherapists and internationally recognised coaches, many of whom have founded, built and managed multi-million dollar companies. We know what business is and consider our client’s financial results a critical component of our own success.

We pride ourselves in not rigidly shoe-horning clients into pre-determined ‘cookie cutter’ frameworks or programmes. With a vast array of models at our disposal, including original IP arrived at through decades of experience with hundreds of organisations across most sectors and geographies, we start each engagement from first principles. Clients gets what they uniquely need – not what we are selling.

Our mission is to help influential individuals – CEOs of the world’s largest organisations, politicians and national newspaper editors – positively impact society and our global future.

We operate exclusively at the highest level with the world’s most innovative and fastest growing organisations, and pride ourselves in being faster, more personal and bespoke than the larger providers.

My Life's Moments

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Navigating the Unseen: Enhancing Organic Change Leadership for Lasting Transformation

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Embracing the Thorn: Rethinking Normalcy and Leadership in an Uncertain World

Embracing the Thorn: Rethinking Normalcy and Leadership in an Uncertain World

In a world yearning for a return to normalcy, what if the thorn in our foot is here to stay? The belief that things will 'go back to normal' may be costing us more than we realize.
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