Empowering Female Leaders for Personal Growth and Organisational Change

How do you build a culture in which everyone flourishes?

Twenty inspiring female leaders in London recently did just that. It’s an interesting story.

Their CEO is a long-term coachee of mine, highly invested in improving gender representation at senior levels of the organisation. Through his sponsorship we involved the Executive Team and twenty female leaders in a programme designed to benefit not only women, but everyone.

The concept was simple. Twenty senior female leaders design and deliver meaningful organisational change over a twelve-month period, supported by ten Peoplemax coaches and thirteen Executive Sponsors.

The programme will run for three years with rolling cohorts, each building on the progress and learnings of the last.

According to this client, building a more inclusive culture entails investing in those that you most want to flourish.

And empowering them to design and lead the change with the right support.

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