Have You Found Your Own Voice?

Have you found your own voice?

At a workshop recently a CEO delivered a rousing, inspiring introduction. It was memorable, particularly because she is naturally quite reserved and not known for her interpersonal impact.

Later she and I discussed what might have contributed to this special moment. Her ‘Spike’ strength, identified earlier, was her values. She was known widely across the organisation for her honesty, trustworthiness, reliability and putting others first.

What struck us was that these values underpinned her entire workshop introduction. There was a congruence between ‘What’ she was saying and ‘Who’ she was at her core. This depth of authenticity was powerful.

Charm and charisma go a long way. But to really touch and move people we need to consider our essence – who we really are – and express this through words, actions and how we live our lives.

What is your essence? To what extent does this show up in your life?

ATTENTION UK FRIENDS: I will be returning to the UK for a few weeks in early October – please message me if you would like to meet.

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