When Was The Last Time You Stopped?

When was the last time you stopped?

Wherever you are reading this, if you feel so inclined, stop what you are doing for a moment. Take a breath and look around, slowly. What do you notice? What can you hear? What sensations can you experience in your body?

I had Covid this week and it really stopped me for a few days. Mild symptoms fortunately, however I was unable to focus properly for a day or two on work, chores, kids – even making the bed was beyond me for a period. For a short time I was withdrawn, passive and listless.

It was certainly a new state for me.

In contrast to last week’s Vlog about vitality and engaging fully in life, this week I reflect upon my own personal experience of taking time out. Being lazy for a bit – in limbo – and going through the motions.

The intensity, focus and passion in me will return shortly. I am feeling them already.

However right now I’m enjoying a few final moments ‘resting on a rock’ in the river, before I dive back into the white-water.

Have a great week everybody.

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